The Hermit’s Lamp School

Here you will find all the one off classes taught by Andrew McGregor. These classes are laid out in order below but you are welcome tp pick and chose or jump around as you see fit. All of these classes are pre-recorded and about 90 minutes long unless otherwise noted.

For Live upcoming events please check out this page.

Tarot Classes

Tarot For Everyone – an introduction to reading tarot for beginners.

Take a journey through every tarot card.

Take a journey through all 78 cards and learn more about their natures, divinatory meaning, and how to handle them in a reading. Or just snag the class the covers the card that has been giving you trouble.

Learning the Trumps 1 – From the Fool to The Lovers
Learning the Trumps 2 – From The Chariot to Death
Learning the Trumps 3 – From Temperance to The World
The Suit of Wands from Ace to 10
The Suits of Cups and Swords from Ace to 10
The suit of Disks and Card Pairings
Learning the Tarot – Court Cards – a walk through of the 16 court cards

Get the whole journey through the tarot as a package and save $70. (all 7 classes)

Looking to focus on a specific areas of card Reading?

Each of these classes focuses on a specific skill or area of card reading. Taking you through what you need to consider about the topic. Along with spreads and step by step guidance on how to improve your skill on each area or skill. These are the distillation of 35 years of card reading and will save you many headaches and pitfalls. As well as accelerating your skill level.

Tarot and Money – spruce up your readings around money and work.
Tarot and Relationships – Learn to use the cards to understand any kind of relationship.
Ancestral Healing through Tarot – Learn to resolve issues with past generations through the tarot.
Reading for Yourself – Get the most out of your time with the cards.
Reading for the Year Ahead – Read for the coming year or any period of time.
YES/NO Readings – Learn how to get predictive answers to your simple yes/no questions.
Tarot Journaling – Get the most of your tarot readings by uncovering patterns.

Magic Classes

Tarot and Magic – Learn how to bring more magic into your world through the cards.
Tarot Luck and Magic – Put together your learning about reading and magic.

Resolving Curses with Tarot and Magic Part 1 – how to assess and deal with curses and other kinds of bad energy.
Resolving Curses Part 2 Recipes and Rituals – step by step details on how to do the magic to fix bad energy.

Supercharging Your Magic – a guide to understanding magic and ramping up the energy you have access to

Circle Casting for Everyone – a deep dive on how to create magical spaces using things like the banishing ritual of the pentagram

Summoning and Working with Spirits 1 – Learn how to call ancestors, angels and spirits of place.

Crystals Classes

Crystal Level 1 – Learn how to get started with Crystals.

Long Format Classes

The following classes are all multi session classes. They have not been integrated into the new system yet and require manual fulfilment – so please be patient. I only work Tuesday to Friday 10 – 5 Eastern time. Outside these times I’ll get it to you as quick as I can – but am on with my kids or off in the woods.

Reading the Tarot de Marseille

Learning to read the Tarot De Marseille is a core skill to being a well rounded reader. This class will teach you everything you need to know about it. Five 90 minute lessons. Details here.

Learning the Thoth Tarot

This class is the easy way to learn what is going on in this beautiful and inspiring deck. This 10-part video class includes 20 hours of discussion of the Thoth tarot deck. We go through each card in detail along with a variety of spreads to help you access the wonder that is this deck.

For more details click here.

Super Successful – Spiritual Business Building Course

5 pre-recorded classes
With Joanna Powell Colbert, Carrie Paris, Theresa Reed, Brianna Saussy and Andrew McGregor
Building a solid spiritual business is not about drama, marketing scams, luck, or bogus promises of million dollar first months. These amazing teachers will share their knowledge, experience, and practical tools to get you clients, a following, and the success you are looking for. Read more here.

Tarot Foundations Course

5 streaming videos or Mp3s.

Build a solid foundation from which to read for yourself and others. With James Wells, Nancy Antenucci, James Wanless, Carrie Paris and Andrew McGregor.
Click here for details. 

Sex, Death, and Destruction with Tarot

– featuring Camelia Elias, Theresa Reed, and Andrew McGregor
Recordings available sign up here. 

Lenormand – Beyond the Beginnings

5 pre-recorded classes.
You know how to make the Lenormand cards speak – now it is time to make them sing! This 5 week course brings together some of the best in the Lenormand world to help get your readings to the next level. Rana George, Mary K Greer, Donnaleigh de LaRose, Carrie Paris and Björn Meuris will open up new approaches to getting answers from the cards and spreads.
Read more 

Magic for Tarot Readers & Healers

Magic is real. People have been using it to grow, evolve, and manifest what they need since the beginning of time. Join Joanna Powell Colbert, Beth Owl’s Daughter, Andrew McGregor, Camelia Elias, and Barbara Moore online from the comfort of your own home.
Full details here.

Marseille for Modern Times – Part 1

Learn how to approach the Marseille cards.  Course on reading featuring Andrew McGregor, Camelia Elias, Enrique Enriquez, Yoav Ben-Dov, and Christophe Carrozza. 5 streaming videos or Mp3’s.
Details here.

Marseille for Modern Times – Part 2

5 streaming videos or Mp3s.

Put the cards to work for you with this practical course on reading featuring Andrew McGregor, Camelia Elias, Enrique Enriquez, Yoav Ben-Dov, and Christophe Carrozza.
Details here.

Pips Without People – Reading non-pictorial tarot cards

Many people struggle to read tarot decks that don’t have people or illustrated scenes on the number cards (pips). People despair that they must memorize meanings before they will be able to read these cards. There is no need to struggle any longer. This class will cover all you need to know to draw the meanings directly from the cards themselves. No memorization required. Read more and sign up here.

Psychology for Tarot Readers.

5 pre-recorded classes

Tarot and psychology, when combined, give us access to the mysteries of our own minds and the tools to shape and heal it.
With James Wanless, Mary Greer, Andrew McGregor, Art Rosengarten and James Wells.
Click here to read more 

Sigil Magick Foundations

Recording available. Sigil work is one of the the most powerful and accessible forms of magick. Learn everything you need to know to start shifting your world towards what you want.
Already know you want in? Click here to read more 

The Trumps Card By Card with James Wells and Andrew McGregor

An audio exploration of each of the tarots trump cards. Each card will get its own show where we will dig deep into the symbols, stories, meanings, and applications of one of the trumps. Exploring each card in depth and from many angles we will help open your eyes up to the beauty and richness in each card. The casual conversational style is accessible to anyone anywhere on their tarot journey. Click here to read more.

Psychic Self Defence for Readers, Healers, Coaches, and Empaths

Does working with clients leave you tired and drained? Maybe it is time for you to learn some psychic self defence kung-fu. A kung-fu master doesn’t worry about the actions of others. They simply respond appropriately to put an end to any conflict. With psychic self defence it is important to learn what you need to know and avoid fear, obsession, and superstition. This workshop will focus on what is practical, helpful, and effective.

Click here for more information

Cleansing and Clearing for Readers, Healers, Coaches, and Empaths

Sometimes you need something stronger than sage to clear the energies that are around you. This class covers stronger tools to remove the obstacles that might be in your way. All in a very down to earth, and empowering way. Going beyond superstition and fear this class teaches practical, powerful tools anyone can use to resolve these many kinds of spiritual issues.

Click here for more information

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