Book a Service Now

Tarot Readings – A Tarot reading can help you sort out priorities or find out your best course of action to get where you want to be.
Meet your guide. Come learn about your guide, how to work with them, and what they love. Comes with dome custom art to help you connect with them.

Spirit and custom Magic work is no longer available. Please see the online shop for consecrated talismans.

Impossible Readings – Accompany Andrew McGregor into the great mysterious dream where the answers to all of life’s most profound answers live.

Magickal Portraits by Andrew McGregor – See what Andrew sees when he looks at you from his connection to spirit. You are an infinite and profound mystery.
Other Services

Corporate Events and Parties – The Hermit’s Lamp has a great network of readers who would be delighted to come to your event and add some fun and excitement.