Do you want to know the future? Melinda’s Friday Message

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Welcome to another of my guide Melinda’s Friday messages about how to live life. If you’d like to know more about her and what she has to say you can find more in the first post in this series.

Do you want to know the future?

Tarot of Marseille - Wheel of Fortune

The future and the way in which we are stuck around it is of the Fortune card. Acknowledge where you are on the wheel and life will go much better.

Almost everyone who came to see me wanted to know what would happen in their life. Emphasis on the ‘would’ part. Often hidden in this question was a deep seated desire to know one of two things. First, are things going to get better? Will it all be okay. Second, I do not know what to do please tell me.

I will talk about the future itself later but let me say briefly that knowing what is coming that you can not change is not really a comfort. I saw many of the hardest moments of my life well in advance of them happening and it did not make enduring them any easier.

You are better off asking for what you really need.

Everyone wants to be comforted and reassured that their life will improve. Let us be honest with each other here while it is just us and the computer screen. We want to be right. We want everyone to see us being right, and by see it I do also mean to tell us so. Every person I ever read for, no matter how great their life was, always hoped it would get better. No one wants to be told they are wrong or that their destiny or events in the world will stack against the outcome they desire.

However, asking the cards to comfort you and reassure you about the future is a dangerous thing to do. The world of spirit has a strong sense of humour. It is tricky and even scheming in its desire for us to realize the truth. The cards might direct you down a path that will fail just to encourage your understanding of some lesson. I have even seen readings direct people to bring about their own punishments for deliberate abuses of one kind or another. If you want comfort, be honest and ask for it, not from the cards but from spirt, religion, or your friends and family.

Everyone has times of confusion and uncertainty. Days where our direction is lost in the muddy roads of our inner workings. The cards can be a wonderful tool for bringing us clarity about where we should go and how we should evaluate our options. There is a big difference between this and knowing the future. Knowing the future, really knowing it, leaves us no room to navigate.

I hear some of you disagreeing with me, as is your right, but know there is often the illusion of choice around certain events in our lives. It is a test to see how we handle the entire situation.

Ask the cards where you can find comfort. Ask them to help you evaluate you options. Even ask them to help you plan. Just be clear about what you really need and leave the future for when you are feeling ready to face it no matter what it might be.

Thanks for listening.
Let me know if I can help.

If you would like to get a reading with Andrew and Melinda to help you clarify the tangles of your life book here for an appointment. Reading are available in person in Toronto or via Skype or phone around the world.

The Hermit’s Lamp is the blog of Andrew McGregor – Toronto Tarot reader, artist and teacher. The Hermit’s Lamp is also a storefront in Toronto selling metaphysical and spiritual supplies. Please visit The Hermit’s Lamp website for more information on readings and classes both online and in Toronto. You can also check out Andrew’s podcast here.


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1 comments on “Do you want to know the future? Melinda’s Friday Message”

  1. Georgianna

    I especially like the advice … ‘but know there is often the illusion of choice around certain events in our lives. It is a test to see how we handle the entire situation.’

    good post – thank you Melinda and Andrew!

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