Questions might be the Key to Unlocking a Tarot Reading
Great questions can be a powerful tool in reading tarot. They can unlock everything and take the reading places you never thought it would go.
Great questions can be a powerful tool in reading tarot. They can unlock everything and take the reading places you never thought it would go.
How does a tarot readings work? Tarot is a machine that runs on mystery so that it can show you truth.
When someone brings their child in for a reading it can require delicacy. If they think their child is cursed it gets very complicated very quickly.
How does magic work? Does it matter of we believe in it? A tale of working with clients based on their beliefs.
If you lead your reading with the “wrong” question the whole thing can be a waste of time. Find out what the best question to start every reading with is.
As a tarot reader I see the unfortunate victims of some big cons. You might feel immune but the sharks are after you too.
This post is about violence, a death, doubt, memory and forgetting. Living as a reader – what happens when crime occurs in your area.