Learn to Love the Thoth Tarot Talk

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crowley_large_smlWhy you should give the Thoth Tarot another chance.

I gave this short talk on the virtues of the Thoth Tarot by Aleister Crowley and Frieda Harris. I talk about; the superstitions and fear that surrounds and why you should not give it any attention, how the esoteric elements (like astrology, qabala, or alchemy)  help inform the meaning in straight forward language, the value of pairing major cards to deepen our understanding, and a whole bunch of other fun stuff.

I also give a brief pitch for my intensive 8 week class on mastering this deck.

Click here to for the Learn to love the Thoth Deck Recording. To download this file please right click the link and chose “save” on a PC, or option + click on a MAC.

If you’d like to learn more about the class I am running you can find all the details here.

Thanks for listening. 
Andrew McGregor

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