This post is part of the Tarot Blog Hop series for Lammas. Each post looks to answer the topic “The Fruits of Harvest.” If you are following this thread you will have gotten here from from a post by Morgan Drake Eckstein. The link to the next post in this series can be found at the end of this post. Please take a moment to subscribe to my blog while you are here via email.
Pentacles: The Fruits of Harvest
For me the fruit of the harvest is all about patience. It takes time for the ground to be prepared. It takes time for the seeds to be planted. It takes water, sun, and of course time for them to grow. Then it takes time to harvest everything and maybe more time to prepare it after that.
The four court cards in the suit of disks all have a lesson for us around time and most importantly patience. To keep with the theme of the blog hop they also all are farmers. Let’s take a look at them.

“But I am ready for the change now” shouts the Princess of Disks. Unfortunately, she is not. There is something about the time it will take to complete her germination that is crucial to her actually being ready for the change. Her advice? “Focus on finishing up the details and try not to let your emotions get the better of you.”

“Sometimes you just have to get up every day and work the field.” Says the Prince of Disks. Some situations require daily attention in order to get resolved. “Cramming for the test is never as good as studying regularly leading up to it.” Says this Prince.

“What does the seed within the earth do in winter?” asks the Queen. “It waits.” With the Queen of Disks there is some fixed point in the future where circumstances will change and everything can flow again. Till then it is all hot cocoa by the fire and patience.

The Knight (king) of disks is waiting for the rain to feed his crops. What do you do when something beyond your control is required for the next step in your journey?
The Knight of Disks says “Relax. Be prepared but enjoy the sun while it is out.”
To see the next post in this series of Tarot blog hop please click through to Koneta Bailey.
If you hit a bump in your blog hop you can find a master list of participants, and your way back on here.
What is the Tarot Blog Hop? This sprung up out of an offhand remark made by Stephanie Arwen Lynch on her Facebook page. The Tarot Blog Hop is when a group of bloggers all blog on the same question/topic and link to the blogger before them and the blogger after them to create a Tarot Train.
The Hermit’s Lamp is the blog of Andrew McGregor – Toronto Tarot reader, artist and teacher. The Hermit’s Lamp is also a storefront in Toronto selling metaphysical and spiritual supplies. Please visit The Hermit’s Lamp website for more information on readings and classes both online and in Toronto. You can also check out his podcast here.

Flower photo by Andrew McGregor
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