How does magic work?
Learn about magic and ancestors from my recent TV appearance.
The podcasts first guest returns to talk all about connecting with spirit through movement and divination. We talk a lot about getting present, wrestling with tough stuff, magic, mediumship, getting messages and more.
Ari and Andrew talk about relationships, hierarchy, and understanding our own desire.
The gang gets together to talk about what the heck do we do during this time.
Just as Andy Warhol invited me into the great mystery of myself – so I invite you in the same way. The world needs the full magic of your authentic being.
Andrew and Barbara talk about making change. The challenges in trying to notice the end before feels like it has gone too far past us. The talk about the last year and the grand changes that are coming for both of them in 2020.
Andrew and Chiron discuss shaman sickness, transformation, and growth – and all the things that pretend to be those real experiences.
The band brings back Jenn Zhart to catch up on how the winds of change are moving everyone. The gang gets into how to roll with change and work magic to aid it too.
Lonnie and Andrew explore the how reconstruction and revisioning of heathen traditions plays out in Lonnie’s life and the world. Going from both the inspiration in Lonnie’s life to the racism and problems that also exist in some adherents. The also talk about chaos magic and finding your own path. Or download directly here. You […]