Over the decades I have worked with a lot of spirits. Using a wide range techniques from complex magical rituals, to prayers, sigils, art and religious practices. Contacting spirits ranging from the kindest and most supportive of beings to the most belligerent I’ve seen and asking or compelling them to work for me. I have learned a lot from books, teachers, friends, mistakes, and the spirits themselves. I want to help you learn how to have great magically successful relationships with spirits.
This second workshop in the series will focus on Enochian spirits. A specific system of angelic magic received by John Dee and Edward Kelly in 1583. The received a very complex system of magic including elaborate sigils and its own alphabet and language. I spent many years working with this system in its entirety before settling into my current way of working. Which is very practical, stripped down, and focused on results. This is what I’ll be teaching so don’t get worried about the broader historical system. We will cover it but won’t be working it.
In this workshop we’ll talk about:
- The Enochian system and pieces
- My practical system
- Boundaries and cautions
- How to work practical magic
- Structuring your magic
- Good hygiene
You will walk away from this workshop with a safe, solid, and effective set of tools to start working magic and asking for favours from Enochian Spirits.
November 17th 2022 by Zoom. 7:30pm to 9:30pm eastern time
This 2 hour class is prerecorded and available for instant access streaming.
$50 Canadian Dollars.
No magical skill or training is required for this workshop. However, I recommend you take my class on circle casting first – or have an equivalent skill already in place. You can find this class here. It is available to stream now.
This workshop is part 2 of 3. The first class is available here. The third part on goetia and demonic spirits will be in January.