This is the 6th annual episode with Barbara. Andrew and Barbara talk about making change. The challenges in trying to notice the end before feels like it has gone too far past us. The talk about the last year and the grand changes that are coming for both of them in 2020.
You can catch all the previous episodes here on my website. Or look up episodes 22, 44, 58, 72, and 90 where you listen to your podcast.
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ANDREW: [00:00:02] Welcome to another episode of The Hermit’s Lamp podcast. This week I am catching up with Barbara Moore just before the end of the year for our annual podcast episode where we check in on what’s going on, what’s changed, and, [00:00:17] you know, talk a lot about the shifting perspectives in our spiritual lives and practices and so on. You know, it’s hard to imagine people don’t know who you are, Barbara, certainly anyone in the tarot world, but for those who don’t, who are you? [00:00:32]
BARBARA: Oh, I forgot about this part of the interview. Yes. My name is Barbara Moore. I’ve been playing with tarot for, I don’t know, maybe 30 years now. I’m probably best known for [00:00:47] a couple of things: one, creating tarot decks and writing books to go with them, and a few stand alone books as well, and I’m also the tarot acquisitions editor for Llewellyn, and I sometimes do some work for Lo Scarabeo as well. [00:01:02] And I teach here and there.
ANDREW: Awesome.
ANDREW: So, I mean, I guess, you know, one of the things that I wanted to talk about with you was, it seems like [00:01:17] for me, everything’s changed, you know, since our last podcast, I have gotten divorced, and my ex has moved out. I had a fire that burned down my store, and I have since reopened and, you know, opened a studio [00:01:32] to see clients out of and opened a new store. And, so for me, it’s been a massive year of change, you know, perhaps unsurprisingly, if you follow the tarot birth card, year card business, as my death card just ended [00:01:47] at the beginning of the month, but it’s also been a year of or at least a time of change for you too, right? Like you’re also, maybe not quite where I am on the other side of it, but really sort of [00:02:02] setting in motion a bunch of change for yourself as well. Right?
BARBARA: [00:02:17] That is absolutely true. The cycle of change, I would say it started back in 2016, and it has ushered in a period of challenge and becoming stronger and having things ripped away to find out what really matters, [00:02:33] and, as your listeners, if they’ve been listening to our conversations know, that two years ago, I moved to California, my wife and I moved to California, and we’ve been having a great adventure as [00:02:48] well as a lot of challenges and struggles. And we have recently come to the conclusion that this has been a really fun adventure, and we’re grateful that we had it, but it’s time for the adventure to be over, and so we [00:03:03] will be moving sometime this summer. So that is a really big change that we can talk about. It’s not like having a store burn down or having a divorce, a relationship, a marriage end, [00:03:20] but our relationship also has gone through some struggles, luckily came out the other end stronger and better, richer and deeper, but it’s still, we’re both like two different people now, so it’s [00:03:35] almost like a new relationship because we’re learning to be together in new ways.
ANDREW: Mm-hmm. Yeah. Well, you know and one of the . . . one of the things that people always say is something like what you said, whenever they start talking with [00:03:50] their own things, like, it’s not as bad as your situation or whatever, right? And, I mean, on the one hand, yeah, maybe, right, like I get that, but also I think it’s . . . I think it’s really real, [00:04:05] how difficult struggle is for people, right? And you know, I mean there is tragedy and loss and people dying and all, you know, all those kinds of things that you know, no joke are very difficult. Right? [00:04:21] But I think that it’s really important to not diminish our own struggles too, especially in the face of that. Right? Like it’s, there’s no scale. There’s no competition, you know? And maybe other people [00:04:36] feel differently, if they’re in positions like mine, but I actually feel like just relating around stuff is so much better than when it starts to kind of slide into, you know, areas where it’s like, [00:04:51] well, it’s not as bad as your life, but you know, whatever. It’s like, yeah, that doesn’t feel so great. And now I feel like there’s a sort of other element to it, that isn’t, doesn’t need to be there, you know?
BARBARA: Like a competition [00:05:06] or something.
ANDREW: Yeah, a competition, or a sense of apology, you know? I mean, I feel like if, if I know somebody well enough to talk about my life and their life, then we’re on the same ground, right, you know? And everybody, I think [00:05:21] everybody understands that some things are more difficult than others, from a certain perspective, you know, but, but either way, I think it’s . . . I think it’s important to sort of just keep that relationship open, you know, and not, [00:05:37] I don’t know, create that distance that sometimes comes with that for me.
BARBARA: Yeah, yeah, that’s a really interesting point. Like, how did we, as a people start doing that, because it really is a habit and I feel like it’s a little bit like social [00:05:52] behavior niceties, because when I’m not talking publicly, like on a podcast, I would talk about what I went through in terms of now that I’m through it and I can see the other [00:06:07] side when I look back on it, it was so hard I don’t even know how I got up every day.
BARBARA: You know, so to say to you, “Oh, it wasn’t so bad.” When, if I talk to you privately, I would be like, “Oh my God, I don’t know how I did that,” you know . . . so, you were right. We [00:06:22] are on equal terms here. It’s been hard.
ANDREW: Yeah, you know, and life is difficult, right? You know, I mean not all the time. Luckily there’s great things, you know? I mean, one of the things that was interesting was being at the tail end of the summer, [00:06:37] and I was checking in with the kids, just before they went back to school this year, and I’m like, “How was your summer?” Right? And they were, they both gave it like rave reviews. And they were like, “Well, how was your summer, Dad?” And I was like, I’m like, you know, [00:06:52] “I don’t give it an 8 a 10, and like those two missing points are cause like, relaunching the store during the summer was a ton of work and very stressful, you know? And like, just dealing with all the stuff that came with that was very stressful.” [00:07:07] And I was like, “Man, I’m doing pretty good at having a good time despite all this, you know, horrible stuff that’s gone on and all the stress that comes with it,” right? You know?
But that also doesn’t mean that there weren’t days where I was like, “Oh my God, I have no idea, is that just [00:07:22] it, is this, you know, am I done having a store, is this over? Is that over?” You know, it’s . . . Yeah, it’s complicated when we lose that direction, right? I think it’s . . . I think it’s been challenging. And I think it’s been a long time that you’ve been [00:07:38] sort of wrestling with this sense of direction, you know.
BARBARA: Mm-hmm.
ANDREW: I’m thinking about . . . We talked somewhere in one of the past episodes about, probably before you moved out there, right? When I did that impossible reading for you, and you were like, “Oh, yeah, I’m [00:07:53] going to do all these things now,” you know? It’s been, it’s been a quite a while in some ways, I think, right?
BARBARA: Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. Yeah, I have, especially in terms of my tarot . . . well, in a lot of areas in my life, but in terms of my tarot career, [00:08:08] I have felt really lost. So, so lost and I . . . and there are a lot of elements to that. One, I should have wrote notes. [00:08:23] One thing that changed is I wasn’t working with tarot for myself. Well, I wasn’t reading for other people either. I quit doing that a while ago for, mostly because I didn’t feel like I had enough [00:08:38] to bring, to give, I wasn’t, my cup wasn’t full. I couldn’t fill anyone else’s cup and I wasn’t working with the cards for myself.
So, starting in January, I started pulling a card a day, because that’s like, what you tell beginners [00:08:53] to start and I would do it and I’d mark it in my daily journal and, but, and never did anything with them and so finally, but it was enough. I mean, I had, all I had energy to do was that. [00:09:08] And that was a start. I was touching my cards again and that mattered. Then when things started, mmm, taking an upturn, I added something like, “Okay, I want this daily draw to do [00:09:23] something more than just get marked down in my book and mean nothing, but use ink,” and so I decided to start pulling two cards a day. And making them mean something.
So the first card was [00:09:38] some energy that I was going to find myself into that day, you know, whether it was something that happened or my added something, just, just the energy of the day, something, and then with an eye to improving myself, [00:09:53] or becoming the person I want to be, more than I am. I pulled another card: “How can I interact with this energy?” To do that. And that has been super helpful. [00:10:08] That’s made a big difference and made things more active for me in terms of like, doing something with the cards. So, you know, that’s just a little thing but it’s made a big, big difference. [ping from phone] I am so sorry about [00:10:24] . . .
ANDREW: Well, that’s okay.
BARBARA: And I also had been thinking a lot about, like, I had been questioning the whole doing readings thing. Right? What do we do readings [00:10:39] for? What’s the purpose? Oh, these mundane readings about our everyday problems. How boring is that? Or is that even the right thing to do? I mean, just very angsty, kind of pointless, spinning my wheels questioning, [00:10:54] and then, you know, when I was thinking about, we were going to talk, and I’d thought I’d like to talk about that, and I had a kind of a revelation. I’m not sure if it’s going to stick, but it’s a thought, that because I [00:11:09] want to do readings about different things, or in different ways, or with a different focus. I had to denigrate those readings, for some reason, you know, I think maybe it’s human nature sometimes to make ourself feel better and more confident, we have to put [00:11:24] down something else for whatever reason. And so, even just that thought made me feel a lot better about things like, “Oh, well, just because I don’t want to do that and just because I want to do this, [00:11:40] that doesn’t mean the other is bad. I don’t have . . .” You know? I mean, does that make any sense?
ANDREW: Yeah, you know, maybe a year, two years ago, [00:11:55] I was sitting during my, you know, not daily draw, but regular draws, and I was like, writing in my journal, and I found myself writing something like, “Well, when I’m free, blah blah blah [00:12:10] blah blah,” right?
BARBARA: Mm-hmm.
ANDREW: And, and I, for whatever reason, on that day, as opposed to the various other days when I’d written something similar, I stopped and I looked at it. And I was like, [00:12:25] “Well, when is that going to be? And what does that look like?” Right? And I’m like, you know, at the time I was in an open relationship without a huge amount of limits on it. I mean some, but not, you know, I’m like, it’s pretty darn free, I’m like, [00:12:40] you own your own store and you work for yourself. Like, what, what is it that other people are defining for you or that are limiting for you, right? You know? And the answer became pretty clear that it was very [00:12:55] little, right? Not nothing. But very little, right? I still have to pay taxes, I still have to, you know, whatever, there are certain things, but . . . And, I spent a lot of time sort of chewing on that for a while and realizing how [00:13:10] how often, movement, change, you know, these ideas were sort of created on continuing to define myself in relationship to other things [00:13:25] that actually had no sway or real say over my life, right?
You know, I mean if I, if I decided, you know, I mean, I’m a, I’m a very fortune-teller-oriented card reader, but if I decided that I had enough of [00:13:40] that, and all I wanted to do was psychological readings, I could just change my website and filter people based on that and inform them, when they tried to book that, you know, this was the process going forward and that would be it.
Like there’s, there wasn’t a lot of [00:13:55] things that prevented me from the various things that I was sort of waiting to become free enough to do. And so, since then I’ve spent a lot of time keeping my, keeping my definition and directions [00:14:10] in check, right? Like really looking at them, and saying, “Okay, am I, am I defining this relationally? Am I in relationship with some idea that I’m not actually interested in or don’t want to live by,” and so on, you know, and it’s, [00:14:25] it’s not always easy, but I think it’s really helpful. Right? So look at those pieces and say, you know, your practice has no bearing on day-to-day type questions, right? Your practice doesn’t need to have any relationship to the way I read or other people read [00:14:40] or the, you know, the whims of the tarot community and, you know, this year, next year, or 10 years from now, you know.
BARBARA: Yep. Yeah, knowing [00:14:55] what you want, cleanly, and being realistic about it, and not just finding excuses, that takes a lot of self-reflection and honesty, [00:15:10] but will really make a big difference.
ANDREW: Mm-hmm.
BARBARA: In how you feel about your life in this moment.
ANDREW: So, how do you, how do you generate that self-reflection? [00:15:25] You’re talking about tarot, as one part, your tarot practice this year. How else do you talk–how else do you figure out? Because andone of the things that I think is–yeah, it’s a bit of a theme, I think, with some episodes, it comes [00:15:40] up in various places, but this idea of like, how do you know when you’re done? Right? How do you know when enough’s enough? How do you notice that change, mark that change? You know? And so on, right?
BARBARA: Yeah. [00:15:55] And, hmmm . . . Like, if we could come up with a format, a step-by-step format, on how to get yourself to that spot, we could probably be millionaires. Because everyone wants to know that, I [00:16:10] think. Because, at least for me, I have not come up with a method that, like, walks me to the spot where I can step over the line out of, you know, the mists of confusion into clarity. [00:16:26] I don’t have that. For me, it has been, it has felt like waking up.
BARBARA: Like, like I’ve been either asleep or underwater [00:16:41] or walking through Jello or something. And I don’t realize it at the time for that. I mean, I know I don’t feel right, I know I feel confused and unhappy, no energy, but [00:16:56] I don’t really fully understand that state of being asleep or underwater until I start coming out of it. And then I see it. And then I start thinking, [00:17:12] I don’t have to be that way anymore.
BARBARA: And so, when I can, it’s like this pivotal point, this space where, like, a liminal space between what has been going on and what could be and [00:17:27] I have this opportunity to keep behaving the way I had been or changing the behavior. But before that, I don’t know that I could have changed the behavior. I don’t know that I was in a place where I could have [00:17:42] done that.
ANDREW: Mm-hmm.
BARBARA: So, for me, it’s this point where . . . Or at least how it feels for me right now, is, I can’t wait to get started on the next phase and [00:17:57] I haven’t had that excitement, energy, or enthusiasm in two years. So how . . . But how do I know? It’s, it’s, it’s vague. I don’t have . . . well, maybe as we keep talking, I’ll think of more concrete things.
ANDREW: Uh-huh.
BARBARA: But, to start the conversation, [00:18:13] it, that’s what it feels like for me. What’s that feel like for you?
ANDREW: I mean, lately, so like in the last year, I’ve been noticing [00:18:29] where I’m not putting energy, that I officially think that I’m putting energy right? Where do I feel a difference between, you [00:18:44] know, something that I’m excited about, you know? It doesn’t, it doesn’t make it difficult for me. It’s not difficult for me to show up and make art in my studio. You know, making art is great. I mean, [00:18:59] it requires, it requires having some time, you know, and it requires, you know, ideally not having sick kids at home or whatever, like certain things, but it’s pretty easy to make that commitment. [00:19:15]
You know, I’ve been sort of in and out of relationship in terms of polyamory this year a bit, and one of the things that I noticed around some of that was, where I was [00:19:30] willing to put in a certain kind of effort or show up in a certain way in one situation, but not in another. You know, and to me, that starts to be like, okay, so if I’m, if I’m willing to make the extra time or [00:19:46] hang out with them if they’re sick or, you know, whatever, but with somebody else, I’m not feeling that as much, then those kinds of decisions start to be little flags for me. It’s like, not necessarily that it’s the end, but it’s, something needs to change there, right? Or something has changed [00:20:01] there, and I need to sort of look at that. Right? And I think that, I don’t know that we ever notice the moment, right? Like I don’t know if there’s a, you know, barring like, really, you know: And I said something and then they smack me in the face and I said [00:20:16] “We’re done,” like, you know, unless it’s, like, ridiculous and dramatic, which is, you know, never really my life. I don’t think that we ever notice explicitly those moments. I think that we notice, we can notice [00:20:31] when we’re wobbling along that line, and then we can sort of reflect and see what’s coming. Or what makes sense from that point, you know?
BARBARA: Right. Yes. Yeah. Yes, you’re right. It’s, it is hard [00:20:46] in these things to pick a point, as you said, and for most of it’s probably more like a process, you know, that it takes some time and, but, sometimes even within that process you can find like little mini points, you know, [00:21:01] like, I remember, I remember admitting to myself . . . Because we’d already started talking about how California wasn’t right for us.
ANDREW: Uh-huh.
BARBARA: And, so, the next question was, where do we go next?
ANDREW: [00:21:16] Mm-hmm. Is the answer Tijuana?
BARBARA: The answer is not Tijuana.
BARBARA: I found myself not being super excited about thinking about where to go next.
ANDREW: Mm-hmm.
BARBARA: I knew I didn’t want to be here. Didn’t know where I want [00:21:31] to go So, I kind of made myself think about that, and in that moment, I had this realization that hit me very hard: I want to go home. [00:21:47] And that was hard to admit, and hard to feel, and hard to know, because I knew it wasn’t going to fly for us, for us, my marriage, my, our family, our little, just the two of us were a family. [00:22:04] Because we didn’t want the winters. We . . . The winters in Minnesota are just too, too, too much and we’re not ready for that. But just knowing that, one of the things I learned during this adventure is my family [00:22:19] and my Minnesota friends are very important to me, like more important to me than I knew before I left.
BARBARA: And so that little, and that, so that was a mini, like, you know, moment. [00:22:35] And then, like, when I actually told Dylan that, that was another moment, because it was scary to say that, you know, for me, because it was like, I can’t believe I’m gonna say this. Because one fear was, what if she says, “Okay, let’s go [00:22:50] home,” and then I’m stuck in Minnesota winter again! But anyways, so, yeah, these little mini moments of, you know, revelation. Oh, and another thing that I have noticed. I don’t know if you’ve had this too. But now that I feel like [00:23:05] I’m being more honest with myself, that we’re on, we have some more clear direction on what the future is going to look like, synchronicities are happening.
Like, I can barely like, take a breath without something, like [00:23:20] helping me feel like I’m on the right path. You know, and I’ve heard people talk about that, like well, if you’re looking for it, of course, you’re going to find it. You know, like cynics might say that. And other people might say, [00:23:35] “Well, yeah, that’s a sign that you’re on the right path.” I don’t know if I’d quite go that far, because I’m not sure what I believe about the right path thing.
ANDREW: Mm-hmm.
BARBARA: Fate and destiny, that’s going to be a focus of study this coming year. I’m very excited about it.
ANDREW: [00:23:50] Well, you know, it’s funny. I have those as listed, at the top of my list of things I want to follow up on in this conversation: agency, force, death, destiny, and free will. So we can, [00:24:05] we can set some explorations on it in this conversation and then, you know, a year from now we can report back as to where it’s gotten. So yeah.
BARBARA: Absolutely. Totally. Yes, right. So synchronicities, you know, [00:24:20] they always, I find them comforting, and encouraging, so whether they’re actually real or not, it doesn’t matter to me right now. I’m taking my comfort where I can get it. It’s helping.
ANDREW: So, and I think that, [00:24:35] first of all, I think, you know, as the song says, you know, whatever gets you through the night. Like, I think that finding comfort where we can is always, you know, as long as it’s not too self-destructive. [00:24:51] I think it’s always a great move, right? I think that, you know, this year of sort of moving through the fire and doing that has definitely been a year of more indulging- and comfort-orientated behavior [00:25:07] than is usual for me. And I’m just like, you know what? Life is fricking hard right now, so I’m not going to worry about that too much. And I’m just going to, you know, lean into that wherever and whenever I need to, you know, so there’s been [00:25:22] more naps, more ice cream, and more TV this year than would normally be a thing for me, because sometimes that, you know, for me anyway, that’s part of getting through these times, right?
BARBARA: Mm-hmm.
ANDREW: I think that, you know, [00:25:38] so, synchronicities are a thing that I am very interested in, especially because it’s often touted as the explanation of how tarot works, also, right. You shuffle the cards and the universe [00:25:54] through synchronicity arranges them in a way that is meaningful. And, you know, it’s kind of, it’s kind of fine and fun as an answer unless you try and like [00:26:09] say, “What does synchronicity mean? How exactly does that function? And you know, is there anything behind that?” And then all of a sudden you just like slide into utter chaos of inexplicable mystery, right? And I think that that’s fine. I have, for me, I’m [00:26:24] like, you know, mystery is the answer, right? I’m like, tarot runs on mystery. That’s all we need to know about it.
ANDREW: Exactly, exactly, right? But, so, I think [00:26:39] that synchronicity is, you know, lots of people are really into numerology, and, you know, they’re like . . . I’ve, you know, people come for readings, like, “I’ve been seeing lots of triple eight lately, or triple this, or triple . . .” [00:26:54] And I’m always like, “Well, that’s cool. What does it mean?” And you know, it . . . And then they’ll often say a thing followed by the question, which is usually, “So when is that going to manifest?” Right? [00:27:09] And so, you know, and I don’t mean this to make fun of people, like I’m not at all, right? Like absolutely, there are those moments where like, “Oh, there’s a sign. Okay, where’s the, where’s the product?” Right? “Where’s, where’s the actual outcome of that?”
So, [00:27:24] sort of more and more over time, I’ve been, I’ve been looking at what it is that I believe, how I approach things, and thinking about . . . [00:27:39] You know, people always ask me, like, well, so “What’s the, what’s the astrology in the Orisha tradition?” Right? “What’s the astrology in your Orisha practice?” And I’m like, there is none, it doesn’t exist. Right? It’s not a part of it at all. There’s no, no consideration [00:27:54] given to it in any real sense. There, there is, notions around times of day, a bit, depending on what we’re talking about, and if you practice in a syncretized kind [00:28:09] of way with the saints, then maybe certain Orishas have their day, right? You know, where many people celebrate them extra, but there is no astrology. And, and I’ve been noticing the sort [00:28:24] of growing tension for me between, like, astrology, which I stopped reading this year, and stepped away from and decided that I was going to actively not engage any more, and [00:28:39] the way in which I was feeling stressed and tense around that stuff some, and the fact that it’s not actually a part of my religious practice at all. Right?
And I’m kind of the same with, like, some of the [00:28:54] synchronicity stuff, you know? There have been times in my life where I was very intense on that kind of stuff and, you know, thought about it and wrote about it, had a bunch of experiences with it. And now there’s [00:29:09] basically only one symbol from the universe that I’m interested in. Well, there’s a couple. One, but the synchronous thing, or the thing that I think fits this way, is if I find a playing card on the street, [00:29:24] then for me, that’s a message, and I will interpret the card based on my knowledge of reading them and we’ll go from there. Right?
The other thing that is synchronous, you know, from a certain perspective, but I see it as more directly as a message [00:29:39] from spirit, which kind of has a different definition in my mind. So, like, three months ago, maybe a little less, I broke up [00:29:54] with someone that I’d been with for a long time. We decided to change the nature of our relationship. And it was very kind and very honest. And you know, and the relationship has changed into [00:30:10] a really good friendship, which is lovely. But about two days after I . . . that happened, I found a robin’s nest on the ground with three dead eggs in it like broken eggs, right? And I was [00:30:25] like, everyone’s like, “Oh, that’s just so . . .” I’m like “No, this is just sad and unpleasant,” right? You know? And I was just like, yeah, that’s, that’s, that’s definitely acknowledging like the depth of the disruption that’s happened here. And, [00:30:40] and so, you know, I took that, I picked up the nest, and I saved it, and you know, it’s around still. And, and then, maybe three weeks ago, two weeks ago, [00:30:55] I was walking through this laneway that I identify with the spirit that I work with a lot. And there was a pigeon on, like sort of flopping around a bit, with this, what looked like a branch [00:31:10] wrapped around its neck, and I’m like, “Oh, how am I going to free this poor bird? Is it going to let me get close enough to liberate it?” And as I got a little closer, the bird, I realized, was actually holding onto the branch. It was not stuck by it. [00:31:25] And it flew up and it flew directly up over my head, circled maybe like five feet above my head, three times, and literally dropped the branch into my hands.
BARBARA: No way!
ANDREW: And I was like, “Perfect, now [00:31:40] there’s a new nest. Now I’m going to build something new. Now I’ve moved on, internally, I’ve moved on,” right?
BARBARA: Ohhhh . . .
ANDREW: So to me, these are events that I take as as close to synchronous as people usually mean by that, right? [00:31:55] You know, direct message from somewhere else, right? And to me, they are clear, and concrete, and so on, in a way that, you know, not to diminish anybody else’s experience, but [00:32:10] that those other kinds of symbols, I’m not sure what they mean, right? At least in my life, you know? And so, yeah, but also, you know there have been plenty of times in my life, where I’m like, [00:32:25] “Oh, yeah, I saw that, I saw that number again. I’m on the right path. I’m on the right path,” you know? And I think that that’s fair too, I think I just have a different relationship to it now, and I have a different set of expectations maybe. So.
BARBARA: [00:32:40] Yeah. Okay, great. It all makes sense. And I love the story about the pigeon. Oh my God, I’m still stuck on that.
Anyways, yeah. So, synchronicity, like levels of synchronicity, or is it [00:32:55] synchronicity, or is it a message from the divine, are they two different things? Those are really great questions. I think I agree with you. I think there is a difference between them. And, like synchronicity, I mean, I think the actual definition of it is like two [00:33:11] disconnected things that seem to have a connection. And I think that we humans are the ones who give that connection or give that meaning, so, so maybe what, why it’s comforting to me is because if I [00:33:26] see something that brings to mind something else that’s connected with what I’m doing at the time, or going through or thinking about, it just helps remind me that that’s where my attention is.
ANDREW: Mm-hmm.
BARBARA: So, you know, maybe it’s just this, a [00:33:41] way of like stoking the fire, like, yes, this is what my intention is. This is what I want to think about. You know, but on a kind of more subtle level or something.
And then, you know, messages from the divine, then, I think, are kind of different. [00:33:57] You mentioned finding the cards, playing cards, specifically playing cards on the street is pretty funny. It reminds me of . . . Dylan has something that she has always called parking lot divination, and she started it when she was [00:34:12] a book cover designer at Llewellyn. Now, as you could imagine, the trash cans, the big garbage bins outside of Llewellyn, sometimes would have cards in them, for, you know, if a package had been damaged or whatever. [00:34:27] And so, sometimes, I guess, they would blow around and she would always walk around the building, you know, for exercise every day. And so sometimes she would come across these random cards on the, you know, and she would always pick them up and they would mean, she would read them as [00:34:42] a divination, and she still does that to this day, and she finds a surprising number of playing cards just out and about in the streets. It’s very strange. So, so yeah.
ANDREW: They’re definitely around.
ANDREW: The other thing [00:34:57] that’s funny is I almost never find a whole deck. A couple times I have. Yeah, and often I’ll find them clustered for periods of time, you know, like I will find [00:35:12] different, different cards in different places for a couple months, and then I’ll find nothing for six months.
BARBARA: Mm-hmm.
ANDREW: And then I’ll start finding them again, which is also, to me, interesting. Yeah.
BARBARA: Huh. I have another kind of [00:35:27] a symbol story, and you know, does it mean something? Or does it mean nothing? Or did I give it meaning or whatever? That . . . it’s a story that I wanted to tell you, you know, any, at some point today, anyways . . .
BARBARA: Cause it’s very, it was very significant [00:35:42] to me. So, So, okay. How to tell the story? Okay. So, Dylan is not going to be here at Christmas. She’s actually flying back to Minnesota for Christmas. I’m going to be [00:35:57] here alone, which is great because I have a whole, you know, personal retreat planned and ritual, and all kinds of crazy great stuff, but because of that, we did our little personal celebration on Sunday. And, [00:36:12] but we had agreed on no presents because of reasons. And, but she said, “But, I do have one present that I actually started the process for it a few months ago. So, there’ll be [00:36:27] the one present.” I’m like, “Okay, I can, I can let you give me a present, no problem.”
ANDREW: Uh-huh.
BARBARA: And so, well, so the back story that you need to know to understand the present [00:36:42] is: When we got married, she gave me a necklace, and it suited me perfectly, it was meaningful and beautiful and we both loved it. And it was just, it was [00:36:57] like a symbol, one of the many symbols of us.
ANDREW: Uh-huh.
BARBARA: And in May, we were, we were out at the coast. I was taking a watercolor class, and we’d gone together, and I brought the necklace but I didn’t, [00:37:12] I don’t sleep in it. So I, you know, just take it off, and I, you know, put it somewhere, then . . . Long story short, it got left in the hotel, and when we called the hotel, they’re like, “No, it’s not in the room.” You know? So, [00:37:27] I mourned that necklace. I cried, it felt, it felt symbolic. It felt like “Oh my God, our marriage is,” you know? It’s, it just made me so sad because [00:37:42] things had been hard, we’re working through some things, and I just took it as this horrible, horrible omen, and it just broke my heart. And the company, [00:37:57] we couldn’t find, it looks like the company didn’t make the necklace anymore, so I couldn’t even get a replacement, and it was just horrible, horrible. Well, so Christmas comes, present time. She gives me a . . . Okay. So she brings me a card and a little, little present and I opened the card and I start [00:38:12] reading it and I start bawling because she’s written some stuff that is breaking my heart in a good way. And she’s like, “Well, since you’re crying, hold on, we’ll just keep going.” And she goes in the other room and brings out a different package [00:38:27] and I start opening it. And it’s wrapped in this kind of a gift baggy thing that we’ve had for years and we only use it for a very special gift. And . . .
ANDREW: That’s really sweet.
BARBARA: It [00:38:42] is, it is, we haven’t used it in a number of years because you know, it hasn’t been like that. And so, she, I start opening it. And then inside it is a bag from Arthur’s Jewelers, Arthur’s Jewelers [00:38:57] is the Jewelers in St. Paul where we got like our wedding rings from, and if we ever get like actual real jewelry, which we don’t have a lot of, but we get it from them, and as I saw the bag and I’m like, she got me jewelry, what? And, and, then all of a sudden [00:39:12] I knew what was in that bag and I have never ripped the package open so fast in my life, and it was the necklace. And I saw it, and I have, I cried like my [00:39:27] soul was, I don’t know what was going on. But I’ve only cried like that like maybe three times in my life, and it felt like a symbol, you know, like a sign like, okay, like, you lost [00:39:42] it. You guys were in the like, the three days of death or the three days after death, like, you know, in the bowels of hell fighting the demon, and now you’re done, and now you, you know, you have the same, it’s a new necklace, but it’s the same necklace. It, [00:39:57] so, it’s kind of like our marriage. It’s the same marriage, but it’s a new marriage and it was hard won. And until I lost it, I didn’t realize how much it meant to me, and, you know, so, [00:40:12] I felt like the necklace, was always symbolic, the loss of it was symbolic, the reacquiring of it was symbolic. So that’s another thing entirely, you know, was that divine? Was that something we, [00:40:27] that . . . I don’t know. How did that happen?
ANDREW: Mm-hmm. Yeah, I mean, I think that, I think that the answer is probably always really complex, right? You know, I mean, people, [00:40:43] you know, people talk about like, the fire, right? Me having the fire. They’re like, “Well, you know, maybe it happened for a reason so you could whatever.” And I’m always like, “I don’t, I don’t buy that answer at all.” Right? I mean, you know, that [00:40:58] said, right? I think that, like many things, I hold sort of contradictory ideas about it, right? And in myself, they seem fine to be contradictory, right?
I know that, [00:41:13] you know, in some ways, that the fire must have been a part of my destiny, in some sense, because of the advice of the Orishas in the time around it, right? You know, we have this [00:41:29] kind of source of negativity, which is Otonowa, which means that which we brought with you from heaven, right? And sometimes it means, sometimes it means that literally. Maybe sometimes [00:41:44] it stands for things that just can’t be changed and we have to work through in one way or another, but, you know, this was part of my advice from the Orishas around that time. So, I’m like, well, fair enough, something was going on there, in that regard. [00:41:59] But also like, the idea that, you know, I talked about this, I think in the last episode too with Chiron Armand, you know, the idea that we are always progressing towards other things, or better things, and [00:42:14] so on. I don’t necessarily believe that, either, right? I think that, you know, we can look at people’s lives and see that that doesn’t happen, sometimes, right? Sometimes it does. Sometimes it doesn’t. And the reasons for that are, [00:42:29] you know, complex and, you know, and always a bit obscure as well. Right? Why does, why does one experience sort of break a person in a way that they don’t recover from? And why does it, you know, [00:42:44] you know, just deeply bruise or wound or maybe not even apparently sort of injure another person, right? You know, there’s such a diversity amongst us all and why that is the case, right?
But for me, I look at [00:42:59] these situations and I think that it becomes a question of what do we, what do, you know, there’s, if we want to call it fate or whatever, those, those experiences that are beyond our apparent control, right? [00:43:14] Or that are the unexpected byproduct of decisions that we have made, maybe in the case of a relationship, that might sort of give the appearance of fate, and might coincide with synchronicities, right? That moment when you lost the necklace and it cued you to, [00:43:29] you know, all of the bigger changes that were going on, right? And then there’s the question of what do we do with it? Right? You know?
And I think that that is also, you know, such a big distinction, [00:43:44] right? You know? And like, me ending up in the situation that I’m in now, which is in many ways more ideal than the situation I was in with the store. You know? Or where the store was at, at the time of the fire. You know, on the one hand, [00:43:59] yeah, that’s, it’s great that it’s, that it’s sort of working out really well, but also there’s a, there’s a lot of it that’s really, was already in my two year plan. You [00:44:14] know? Like I was already thinking about these ideas and working on them. And so, some of this transformation, you know, I’m just going to take credit for, by saying, you know, like look, I had these ideas that because of the [00:44:31] concreteness of having the store were going to take me a long time to make shift, that in some ways the fire basically just liquidated my assets into cash and allowed me to transform it, you know, [00:44:46] and applying it towards those plans. You know? There’s that, that sort of balance of agency, free will, and the intersection of fate, right? Because I think that what we, what we do when things happen is, [00:45:02] you know, is important, and makes a big difference in that, you know? And I think that the more we cultivate a capacity to, you know, to make good decisions during those times, [00:45:17] you know, the better that can go and so on, right? So, anyway, I don’t know, I don’t know if that makes any sense at all. But . . .
BARBARA: Oh, yeah. Well, as you say, these things get confusing to talk about, so, yeah, I think yeah, insofar [00:45:32] as it can make sense, it totally makes sense. And, kind of, almost kind of connected with that is, you know, this, the idea [00:45:47] of like judging something as good or bad. Okay. It’s, and it’s kind of connected with the idea, “Oh, it happened for a reason.” Well, I mean first of all, almost everything does happen for a reason because cause and effect exists. And you know, so there was a reason, [00:46:02] but I know people are talking about a grander reason then electrical faultiness or whatever. So, things happen for a reason, maybe, you know, they . . . Things happen, [00:46:17] is what what it is, and trying to judge whether they’re good or bad. I mean, we want to do that because that’s what we do because we’re binary beings, I guess, you know like, “Oh, that’s good. That’s bad.” I mean, people always say [00:46:32] what they think, but you can’t always tell if something’s actually good or bad in the long run until time has passed, because there have been things that I went through that I wouldn’t want to go through again, [00:46:47] but I’m glad they happened, because then XYZ happened, not saying it happened for a reason, you know, like because it didn’t magically do anything. It also ties kind of into what you’re saying, your own agency and own preparedness, [00:47:02] your own, you know, strength of will, whatever you want to say, you know, you can bring that to it and turn things around.
But it’s also one of the things that bothered me, puzzled me about these, you know, more everyday readings, you know, like, people are like, “Well, [00:47:17] you know, I’m thinking of taking this job. Should I take this job?” And you know, I mean, I don’t know about you, but like if I’m looking into the future, I’m not real comfortable looking more than six months out. I just don’t. [00:47:32] And you know, so if I’m, you know, do a reading and it’s like, well, yeah, the job says this, this, and this, and maybe some things they consider not good and then they don’t take it. But if they took it, then it would [00:47:47] have led to XYZ. So, you know, just, we don’t always know. We think we know what we want in the short term. We think we know what our goals are. Oh, I want to manifest this, I want to do this, if the cards say it’s all going to be positive. [00:48:02] I think we lose something in that, because not everything we do has to be completely positive or successful to be worthwhile or to be part of a larger journey that might be more worthwhile.
ANDREW: Right.
BARBARA: Does that make sense?
ANDREW: It does. [00:48:17] I mean, I think that, I think that the question of like, you know, one of the questions that I’ve been thinking about for a while, specifically around, you know, my work life, is like, what’s enough? Right? [00:48:32] At what point, at what point am I successful enough? I mean, to put it in really basic terms, at what point am I making enough money? And what, what is it that I would like from going beyond that point? Right? You know? And I think [00:48:47] that, you know, working for yourself is not like kind of getting into a job description position that you like and just sort of like, “perfect, if I just stay in this job till I retire, that’s great,” because working for yourself doesn’t really work that way, and I’m not sure the economy works that way [00:49:02] that much anymore anyway. But you know, but I think that we have these sort of notions of progress, of enlightenment, of, you know, all those kinds of ideas that are, you know, cultural [00:49:17] to capitalism and you know, like cultural to North America and so on, maybe, that, that I think are questionable how helpful they are, right? You know, like, [00:49:32] I don’t, I don’t know that . . . Like mostly what I’m interested in is making art, making more art, making more art, and doing the things that supports [00:49:47] that, right? And you know, like, I love running the store. I love doing readings for people. But I think that like, the idea of it sort of going anywhere. I’m like, well, I [00:50:02] don’t know where, I don’t know where it goes, and what the definition of where it goes, and what the grand plan is. I just want to, you know, do my practice, which is, you know, making art and reading cards for people, and just continue to do that.
And I think that, you know, [00:50:17] that you’re right, that it’s hard to say, on a big arc of time, what might be good or what might be difficult. You know, like if we get, if we take a job, maybe it’s crummy for six months and then it’s great [00:50:32] after that, and so on. But I also feel like the idea of persevering through stuff towards an outcome. I’m really [00:50:47] less and less interested in that these days, you know? If something, if something, if the exchange isn’t good in the short term, then I don’t, you know, I don’t, I’m not really that interested in sort of engaging in that [00:51:02] to get to a theoretically better long-term, you know? And, and I think that, I think a lot of people, especially around relationships, right, sort of work through, try to work through stuff, [00:51:17] you know, to get to . . . Especially newer relationships, right? Like maybe if you’ve been with somebody for a while as you have been, that, you know, there’s a, there’s a different math around, like, well, I was involved for this long. [00:51:32] And so now I’m willing to commit a longer stretch of time to working on things.
ANDREW: But, but, I think that for me, I’m like, I’m not that interested in working on very much these days in those kinds of ways, you know, and if something isn’t [00:51:47] flowing, I don’t have the, I haven’t seen the value of spending the resilience and capacity on working hard at stuff that is difficult [00:52:03] towards accomplishing longer term goals without making a change, right? You know, I think about it like Crowley talks about the Strength card or the Lust card in his tarot deck, right? And, and I think [00:52:18] that he draws a distinction in his writing on it, where he says that, you know, lust is not the absence of effort, right? It’s not the absence of exertion. It is the absence of noticing the exertion, right? [00:52:33] Or something along those lines, right? And that idea that, you know, if we don’t mind the work that we’re not going to notice it, right?
ANDREW: And if we do mind the work, well, then, maybe we need to, maybe that’s one of those cues to make a change, right? [00:52:49]
BARBARA: Yeah, that’s gorgeous. And if you follow it, like if that’s kind of a guideline that you’re following for your life right now, as you were saying, then you probably [00:53:04] wouldn’t be doing readings on things so much, because if you’re like, I’m, I’m going with how things feel now, you are attune enough to yourself to know what you’re . . . You know, [00:53:19] so you probably would need less readings because you’re paying attention to your energy and how you’re feeling and what you’re doing and the effort and the payoff. Is that true or not true?
ANDREW: That’s true. [00:53:35] Trueish. I mean, I think that there are always practical considerations that are difficult, right? You know? [00:53:50] Dealing, dealing with insurance companies after having had a fire. It’s like, man, nobody wants to insure you, right? It’s like, it’s difficult. And so, there are . . . For me, there are always practical questions, [00:54:05] and, you know, questions along the lines of, is there anything that I can do to make this better, to make it happen, especially because I have a very strong practical magical practice, right? You know, so there are those kinds of questions. [00:54:20] But really the question that I ask more often than not, these days, is either something along the lines of like well, should I run my Tarot de Marseilles class in January, or should I run my other course, [00:54:35] right? Like very sort of strategic business kind of things? Or a question, the question I go back to most of the time, is how do I show up fully today? How do [00:54:50] I show up fully in this situation? Right?
BARBARA: Mm-hmm.
ANDREW: And you know, and for me, that’s a question that I’ve kind of come to answer by a sort of multi-step open-ended [00:55:07] kind of practice. Right? Like I don’t, I no longer just kind of, if I’m going to read cards for myself in that way, I don’t like just draw a card or two cards for the answer. I’ll usually draw start with drawing a playing card, [00:55:22] checking in with my guides and ancestors, drawing three trumps from the, from a Marseilles deck, reading those in light of what’s already been set in motion in the early part of the reading, and then [00:55:38] drawing a card from my Land of the Sacred Self Oracle that I self-published. And doing some writing on that, and then usually photographing that, and then drawing, doing, drawing back into it [00:55:53] and embellishing it further, and then at some point, that feels finished. So, like that’s the, the process that I do when I do that stuff. And you know, it’s all, if you, if people were to look at it, which I’m not [00:56:08] going to share it anywhere. But anyway, if people were to look at it, you’d be like, wow. I don’t know what sense this makes a lot of time because a lot of it is very nonlinear and very, you know, like a lot of channeled reading, writing, you know, like, [00:56:23] and so on. But at the end of the process, I’m like, “Oh, now, now I’m aligned for the day, and now I know how I stay aligned for the day. You know for this project or whatever.” Right? So . . . yeah.
BARBARA: Yeah, well and yeah, [00:56:38] that sounds like a good process, and I think like, some, I’ve heard people, you know, say, “Oh, I can’t read for myself.” And I think sometimes part of that is they don’t read for themselves the way they read [00:56:53] for somebody else. Like they give themself short shrift. You know, they won’t go through the whole process, just throw the cards, look at them, go, and then pick them up and put them away. You know, it’s different. I think if you treat [00:57:08] yourself as if you were, how you would treat a client . . .
ANDREW: For sure and I think if you’re going to read for yourself around practical considerations, you just need to have a lot of discipline, right? You know? For me when I read for myself [00:57:23] around practical considerations, it’s actually usually really short because I’m like, like, you know, it’s whatever. The Tower card says, this is a horrible idea. Don’t go down this road. It’s like, it’s like, it’s the end of the conversation. Just stop [00:57:38] there, you know, because the more I talk about it, the more I might try and talk myself into it or think that I have agency where, where the Tower says it doesn’t, you know? And so on and so on, right? So but for me, yeah, it’s like, you know, there’s a short list of [00:57:53] sort of core meaning that I would attribute to every card that if I want to read for myself, I’m going to hold hard to that no matter whether I like it or not, whether it even makes sense or not to me, and be like, “All right, the card says that [00:58:08] someone’s going to really betray you here, 10 of Swords. It’s like, well, all right, let’s not go there then.” Well, so I’m going to go instead, “What else can I do?” You know? Yeah.
BARBARA: I think that’s important too when you especially, well, like your first practice was more of [00:58:23] an internal deeper kind of a reading. And now we’re talking about practical readings, and I think one of the reasons we want to do a practical reading is because we want to bypass our head, because we keep thinking [00:58:38] about it, and we keep justifying, and we know we’re justifying, or making excuses and we know we’re making excuses. So, you do this reading and keep it short and hold yourself to it. It helps bypass all of that, but you’re right, if you start thinking about it, like, well, the Tower [00:58:53] can be, you know, how we can sometimes spin things.
ANDREW: Carl Jung thinks of buildings as being a symbol of our ego and our persona in the world, maybe I just need to change the way I approach this, so that I can have a different experience of this and then I can learn [00:59:08] and grow and blah blah blah. It’s like, no. Still gonna get hit by the lightning. Definitely don’t like that. Thank you, but I’ll pass. Right?
ANDREW: For sure.
BARBARA: Or someone wants to know, “Oh, I started dating someone, how is it going to go?” Five of Wands. “Oh, it’s going to be so exciting [00:59:23] and fun!” And you know, it’s like, one of the exercises I would give beginner students is, for reading for themselves, is okay, before you do a reading, the question, you know your question, and you know what answer [00:59:38] you want.
BARBARA: Go through the deck and just like, if you don’t already have the meanings, like you have, for reading for yourself. This is new people, go through the deck and you know pull out the cards that you think would make that answer.
BARBARA: And then [00:59:53] shuffle your cards–and make note of them–shuffle your cards again, and then do your reading, and then if, you know, the Two of Cups, Ten of Cups, whatever doesn’t come up. It can be like, “Well, okay. This isn’t one of the answer cards. [01:00:08] This is a different answer.” And it’s a way to kind of discipline, discipline yourself, which is what you said when we started.
ANDREW: Sure. Yeah. No, exactly. Well. It’s like, you know, I think that that approach is, you know, really [01:00:23] helpful for a lot of things, right? And especially for, you know, I mean not everybody reads for, for everything, you know, but I do. Right? Like I don’t really have limits around what I’ll read for, you know, for [01:00:38] the most part. So, like, if someone’s like, well, am I going to get pregnant, right? Am I going to conceive? Well, I have a short, short list of cards that answer yes to that, right? There’s only like three or four of them, [01:00:53] depending on the deck I’m working with, and if those cards don’t show up, then I’m going to say, “The cards don’t give you a solid yes.” Right? And you know, the same with the question people are like, “Am I cursed?” I’m like, “It happens, magic is real. I believe [01:01:08] it,” you know. But there’s, there’s only a couple of cards in the deck that are going to answer affirmatively to, to me around that, and my expectation is that the mystery will surface those cards, so that the answer feels unequivocal, [01:01:24] you know. And I think that that’s also a practice that is a bit hair-raising when people are starting, but I think that, you know, as we talk about it, I realize how many different kinds of questions I have a very short list of [01:01:39] cards that I would take as a solid answer to, you know, and I think that that’s a really helpful way maybe to, to avoid feeling ambiguous about the readings that you’re giving, right?
ANDREW: So, yeah. [01:01:56] All right. Well, maybe, is there something else you want to add? I see you looking like you’re gonna . . .
BARBARA: Yes, I, there’s one, like, I kind of said that I was going to be studying fate and destiny in the coming year.
BARBARA: The other thing I’m [01:02:11] looking forward to is, over this past year, I’ve heard a couple of people refer to mythic living, like I should know what that means, and I don’t, and I’ve asked a couple of people, you know, “Well, what do you mean by [01:02:26] that?” And I haven’t gotten, I was, kept getting this idea that it was like, where you just live really big and loud and you know, mythically legendary, you know? And, but . . . I read something a couple weeks ago that made me think okay, you got that wrong, obviously, [01:02:42] and what this blog said was, it’s when you understand the mythic rhythms of life, things that happen, the mythic, well, [01:02:57] anyways, you know what I mean. And when you understand them and when you can learn where you are in your life in terms of a mythic story, or cycle, then you can learn how to live within that. [01:03:12] Have you ever heard anything like that? What do you think of that?
ANDREW: I mean, isn’t that how people feel about the hero’s journey?
BARBARA: It’s the whole, yes, exactly. Okay. So similar thing.
ANDREW: I think, right. I mean, I’ve my [01:03:27] own ideas about mythic stuff, but we’ll save that for later, for another time, maybe. But I think that, I think that [01:03:42] the idea of sort of myths as true guides to our, to our lives, or as, you know, true models of experience, in the same way that I think of this sort of way in [01:03:57] which people sometimes default to astrology, and sometimes default to other ways of creating definition. I think they’re, I think that there is value in them, and there are [01:04:12] values in those stories, you know?
And as a person who practices a religion that is based on, we could say, has a huge swath of it that’s based on stories, right? You know, nobody, nobody [01:04:27] in my tradition would tell you . . . Well, no, nobody with a solid grounding in reality would tell you that, you know, as a child of Shango, I’m gonna live the life, live the myths of Shango, [01:04:42] right? You know? And you know, and I think that this idea that, that sort of these myths define the arc of human experience, right? I think [01:04:57] it’s pretty questionable. I think that there is truth in it, right? You know, like the, the myth of Percival, which is so popular amongst, you know, Western initiatory stuff, [01:05:12] right? It’s like, there are pieces of that that are true, and valuable, and you see most people encounter in some way, right? Like, you know, once the, once the hero decides to go on their journey, something arises to distract them, right? You know, [01:05:27] Kundria arrives to distract Percival from pursuing whatever, right? But the idea that every myth ends with, you know, “Oh, you are the person you were searching for all along and you had it with you the whole time.” [01:05:42] I don’t think that’s true at all. Right? I see lots of people whose lives are, are not that way, right? And, you know, and yet, the, the, questions that arise from looking at that myth a bit, like what would, what would distract you from your deeper commitment? [01:05:57] Right? In what ways are you not already acknowledging your gifts, you know? And so on, right?
Like those, those are powerful questions, but as sort of models for, for sort of promoting everybody’s [01:06:12] experience, you know, it’s like the hero’s journey. I’m just kind of like, I’m like, “Yeah, maybe, for some people, some of the time,” but then we’re back to this question of like, agency and free will and how much does our expectation that is the course that we’re going to [01:06:27] continue on then shape the course that we live afterwards, right? And I think that, yeah, so. But yeah, so I think that that’s a really mixed bag [01:06:42] of things, you know, for me, you know? And probably because I did not come out of tarot from that sort of Angeles Aryan, sort of archetypes of people, you know, archetypes are what’s behind [01:06:57] tarot piece, but came from a sort of practical magical and sort of ceremonial background into this stuff and then into a non-Western tradition religiously. I always look at those pieces, and I’m kind of like, eh? [01:07:12] I get it. I see it. Like I can see how you see it. And I can see how it’s there, but it’s like, what it’s defined as, seems overstated or, or incomplete in some way to me, [01:07:27] in a way that I’ve never been able to reconcile it, or kind of close the loop on it. So yeah.
BARBARA: I guess that’s why there’s a lot of different approaches because . . .
BARBARA: Some work for some people and some work for others [01:07:42].
ANDREW: Exactly, right, you know, and it’s, of course, it’s not to say that, you know, if people find value in that, fantastic, right?
BARBARA: Mm-hmm.
ANDREW: You know, please, please don’t write me, I don’t need to have this conversation again. I’ve had it so many times, you know? But no, not [01:07:57] that, not talking, talking about you, but like, but yeah, it’s like I’ve had many people, very smart people try to convince me. Or want to have conversations around convincing me about it. Like it’s not my jam. I just, I just don’t, I just don’t jive with it, so we could just go [01:08:12] talk about other things instead, right?
BARBARA: Right, or yeah, because that’s not a really interesting conversation, because trying to convince someone who has, especially someone who has a perfectly workable system, you know, and they’re not like [01:08:27] asking for advice or looking for a new way to live or think. It’s just evangelizing, and why do you, why . . . Just because you believe something is true, the, the other person doesn’t have to think it’s true. [01:08:42] That doesn’t diminish its worth for you. You know, you don’t, everyone doesn’t have to believe the same thing.
ANDREW: Exactly.
BARBARA: You know, what might be more interesting would be to say, “Well, let’s talk about what I think and what you think and see if there are any parallels and maybe talk about where they [01:08:57] differ. And isn’t that interesting? And why is that?” You know.
ANDREW: No, for sure. Yeah. I’m curious to hear what your explorations of mythicness deliver to you, bring to you, over time, though, for sure.
BARBARA: I [01:09:12] know. I have a feeling that next year, next fall, our conversation is going to be super interesting. I mean not that these haven’t been, but these have been personal, and hard, and important, and [01:09:28] valuable, but I think for next fall, we might, our listeners might get a treat of something different.
ANDREW: Or maybe they’ll just get a lovely, what are we at now, fourth helping, fifth helping of, you know, [01:09:43] whatever this is. But yeah, we’ll figure it out. We’ll, time will tell.
BARBARA: That’s right.
ANDREW: Well, thanks for making time again, Barbara. I appreciate it as always.
BARBARA: I do too. I love these conversations.
ANDREW: Me too!