She Speaks in Silence – Melinda’s Friday Message

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Welcome to another of my guide Melinda’s Friday messages about how to live life. Melinda and I work together to help people through the tarot readings I deliver. Melinda was a reader in her life. She has a great perspective drawn from both her last lifetime, being born in 1696, and her subsequent time as a spirit.

In my time, what is often known as the High Priestess now, was known as the Papesse. The mother of us all and the mother within us all. If you have the time to just sit with her in silence you may find that she reveals a great deal to you. This is no grand political statement on this day about the nature of gender but an invitation to memory and the possibility of connecting deeply with this part of yourself. We all are connected to her within ourselves and in her presence in the world around us.


To those who make the time to be silent – thank you for listening more deeply today. If you do not feel called to participate with this weeks message do not worry more words will come next week.


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  1. Pingback: Take the Emperor for a Walk - Melinda's Friday Message | The Hermit's Lamp

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