5 Ways to Resolve Conflict – Melinda’s Friday Message

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Welcome to another of my guide Melinda’s Friday messages about how to live life. Melinda and I work together to help people through the tarot readings I deliver. Melinda was a reader in her life. She has a great perspective drawn from both her last lifetime, being born in 1696, and her subsequent time as a spirit.

Rider Waite Smith - 5 of Wands

5 questions to disarm 5 fights not worth having.

I want to continue to talk about conflict and how questions can resolve it.

Many people like to take up a position in regards to conflict instead of looking for a resolution. Fight, withdraw, reason, argue, right, wrong, and anger are just a few of the possible positions. A number of people talk about boundaries, in regards to last post, as being important in dealing with people. Boundaries are important but a wall does not guarantee peace. Today I want to arm you with 5 real tools of peace and harmony when you find yourself embroiled in a conflict.

The next time you find yourself in an argument, fight, or disagreement with someone please try the one or all of the following. Change the wording as appropriate.

1.  I am setting a limit. Are you going to respect it? (or have set a limit)
2.  Are you willing to listen to me?
3.  I see you are (insert emotion here) can we revisit this topic at another time?
4.  What is it you want me to do for you around this?
5.  Why do you think this needs to be a conflict?

It helps to be calm when you deliver the question. If you are not able to be calm you might want to ask yourself question 3 and take a break. The wise person will in fact ask themselves all of these questions when they feel worked up about someone or something.

Thank you for listening.

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“Peace” image by thegoinggreenboutique used under Creative Commons License.

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  1. Pingback: Are you Listening or Waiting to be Heard? | The Hermit's Lamp

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