Resolving Curses Part 2: Rituals and Recipes

In part one we covered how to diagnose and make prescriptions for dealing with jinxes, curses, hexes and crossed conditions.

This workshop will take you through step by step detailed recipes and rituals to resolve all of these conditions. We will cover:

  • how to work candle magic
  • best ritual bath practices
  • paying off spirits
  • calling in spirits to fight for you
  • working with herbs (fresh and dried)
  • which materials will help you the most
  • how to prepare your materials
  • how to get ride of the remnants of your work
  • other tools.

This is a real “how to” of working magic applied directly to dealing with curses and related negativity. I will explain in exact detail how to work with each of these tools and approaches. These recipes and rituals are easy to follow and use materials you can get from my shop or from local places to you.

This 120 minute class is prerecorded and available for instant access streaming.
$50 Canadian Dollars.

Missed part 1? It isn’t required but we also won’t be covering anything from that class in this one. You can check out to see if you missed anything you need to know and buy it and stream it instantly here.

What do I know about curses?

From my background in ceremonial magic I started dealing with spirits at a young age. Calling up these beings to work with them and learn from them. This also grew into a lifelong exploration of spellcraft and working magic for practical reasons. In time my friends and I started exploring doing exorcisms and house cleaning for folks who needed them.

Once I started reading cards I spent the first 5 years of my reading career working with folks from cultures where magic and curses had never gone away. I learned how solid my practice had become magically.

I also have had the pleasure to spend time with readers/workers from a wide range of cultures learning how they deal with these issues. 35 years after I started my magical journey it has all added up to a broad and deep understanding on curses and what to do with them. 

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