Are you Listening or Waiting to be Heard? – Melinda’s Friday Message

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Welcome to another of my guide Melinda’s Friday messages about how to live life. Melinda and I work together to help people through the tarot readings I deliver. Melinda was a reader in her life. She has a great perspective drawn from both her last lifetime, being born in 1696, and her subsequent time as a spirit.

Are you listening or waiting to be heard?

The Five of Swords is a card of waiting to respond. Of looking to prepare for the future without being in the now. This mindset is one that promotes division over communication.

The Five of Swords is a card of waiting to respond. Of looking to prepare for the future without being in the now. This mindset is one that promotes division over communication.

How are you doing at asking questions in your life? I have been talking about it here for the last few weeks. If you missed them please do read the previous posts before continuing. (here and here)

Of course there is a question that must be asked of yourself before you can be successful in this process – “Are you listening to the other person?”

So many people sat in front of me for a reading with the answers that they wanted all laid out in their minds beforehand. They knew what was going to be said or so they thought. Every response by them spoke of an attempt to direct the reading to the outcome that they hoped for. I see it in some people who come to see Andrew and I. Andrew flips a card and before he can even speak they will start to speak about what the card means. They are not there to listen.

Now a lack of listening is so common as to almost go beyond note much of the time. When was the last time you listened to someone for more than 5 minutes? If you want to be good at many things in life that involve other people listening really is a crucial. In business listen to the people you hope will buy from you. In a relationship listen to the other person. If you are parent listen to your kids. You get the idea.

Listening is not synonymous with a loss of power. It is not approval either. It is the first step to seeing what is really going on. It is the groundwork on which you can ask great and insightful questions of the person you are communicating with.

“What about when they won’t listen to me?” I can hear some people already asking. “Must I just listen? Is that not all giving and not getting anything back?”

If you are not getting anything in return consider saying “Will you listen to me for 5 minutes?” If they say “no” they might not be worth your time. If you never ask you will never know.

You have heard my questions here, but I am also listening.
What have you got to say? If you have questions I would be happy to answer.

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If you would like to get some personal attention from Andrew and Melinda you can book a reading in person in Toronto, or from anywhere online. Book here.

“Listening” image by Claudio Matsuoka used under Creative Commons License.

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