The rise of the Tarot de Marseille (TdM) in recent years is one of the most exciting developments in tarot. Its blend of openness and structure allow these marvellous cards to absorb whatever you might bring to the table without losing their connection to tradition. They open the door to moving past various dualities that have bogged down modern cartomancy. They can be predictive, psychological, esoteric, and a tool for psychic readings without ever missing a beat.
This course will help you learn how to work with the TdM in a straightforward step by step way. Building up your understanding of how to both read what you see and apply other levels of meaning and information to the reading. Whether you are new to reading tarot entirely or bring years of experience to the table you will learn a lot about the art of reading.
In order to help everyone get the most out of this course the material will be explored in two ways. In the live (or recorded) class we’ll explore ideas and how to read the cards. Then in the shared Facebook group we will work on practicing what we have learned. This flow of learning from detail to practice will help us all learn from each other and make sure all the information is being absorbed.
Class 1
- Asking questions
- Listening
- Speaking what you see
- Extracting other systems
- Visual reading
- Trumps
- 3 card reading – majors only
Class 2
- Pips – identifying cards
- Court Cards
- Colour
- Reading what is there
- Patterns and linking cards
- 3 cards – full deck
Class 3
- Line
- Whitespace/black space
- Holes
- Reading what is not there
- Stacked card reading
Class 4
- Yes/no reading
- Integrating other systems
- Being specific
- Being psychic
- Being poetic
Class 5
- Timing
- Psychology
- Projection
- Ceremony and magic
- Weaving a story
This class is pre-recorded and consists of 5 90 minute lectures.
This class is manually fulfilled and you’ll get your login during business hours Tuesday to Friday 12-5pm.
Costs is $350 Canadian Dollars

All levels welcome.
You may use any Tarot de Marseille deck you like. I sell a lot of them through the shop here. My preference is for the Jean Noblet version.
Questions? Hit me up with them.
“Andrew is a generous, patient teacher. I have taken other courses on Tarot de Marseille but never really clicked with these cards in the way I’d hoped – until I took Andrew’s course. Andrew teaches Tarot de Marseille in a way that is inspiring, accessible, and extremely powerful. Where I once felt intimidated to work with Marseille decks, I now feel clear, motivated and excited to use these cards. Whether you’re new to Tarot de Marseille or have already been around the block with it a few times, you will learn valuable methods and perspectives that readers of any skill level can use.”
– Liz Worth