Magic is real. People have been using it to grow, evolve, and manifest what they need since the beginning of time. Join Joanna Powell Colbert, Beth Owl’s Daughter, Andrew McGregor, Camelia Elias, and Barbara Moore from the comfort of your own home to start working wonders in your own life.
This class brings together these 5 amazing teachers to help you bring magic into your tarot readings without all the junk people often layer on top of it. No jargon, fancy robes, or esoteric terminology required just practical, accessible, and straightforward tools.
This class is manually fulfilled and you’ll get your login during business hours Tuesday to Friday 12-5pm.
Cost is $250 Canadian Dollars

Nature Magic
with Joanna Powell Colbert

Before there were tarot cards, our ancestors read auguries in the shapes of clouds, in encounters with birds and animals, in the ebb and flow of the sea. Divining messages from the natural world is a skill set we may have forgotten, but it comes back to us easily with just a little guidance and practice.
As tarot readers, we are already diviners. Join me in making the leap from reading the cards to reading the natural world.
In this workshop, I’ll share guidelines on entering into conversation with the natural world, how I go about divining the messages I receive on medicine walks, and how to use tarot cards or other oracles to enhance your reading.
Joanna Powell Colbert is an artist, author, teacher, and creatrix of the Gaian Tarot. She leads retreats and teaches courses and workshops on earth-centred spirituality, creativity as a devotional path, the Divine Feminine, and using tarot as a tool for inner guidance and self-exploration. She lives on a small, magical island in the Pacific Northwest near the Canadian border. Connect with her online at
Tarot for Spellwork and Magic
with Beth Owl’s Daughter
Magic is a conversation between different forms of intelligence, united for a common purpose. ~ RJ Stewart

Most people think of the Tarot as a fascinating methodology for inspiration, meditation, and divination, and mostly leave it at that. But it can also be a powerful tool for the knowledgeable adept, since it is, by nature, intertwined with the elements of magic. Join us as we explore some of the basic principles of magic and spell crafting, and learn to use the Tarot as your “secret sauce” for amplifying and deepening your workings.
Combining the Tarot with techniques like the Witch’s Pyramid, spell casting, and ritual, you’ll learn how the cards can be a power tool to polish your skills while improving your expertise, your confidence, and your results.
Beth Owl’s Daughter is a lifelong mystic, seer, and spiritual guide. Her Tarot constellation is the Sun-Wheel-Magician and her roots as a practitioner are in the Reclaiming (Witchcraft) and Faery healing traditions. Since 1972, Beth’s passion has been reading, teaching, writing about, and exploring both the Tarot and the magical arts. She is also an award-winning blogger:
with Camelia Elias
Crafting sigils is the aspect of magic that develops our ability to formulate and state clear enunciations in stylized form with view to making available to us that which we do not have access to under ‘normal’ conditions. We cast these enunciations into a physical form – on parchment, coins, and other such talismanic objects – in order to direct energy towards the realization of desire unto the physical plane.
There are many traditions of pinning our desires to magical manifestations. My favorite examples come from the Picatrix, a magical grimoire from the 11th century, Cornelius Agrippa’s Occult Philosophy (1510), and Osman Austin Spare’s method of condensing the letters of the alphabet into glyphs (1913). In my talk I will introduce the students to the various methods of crafting a sigil, and touch upon the practical aspect of combining the ‘alphabet of desire’ and its focus on concentration with the psychological aspect of getting something by getting rid of the idea first. My primary claim is that when sigil magic works it is because it teaches us a lesson in detachment. It is for this reason that most magicians discard their sigils after they are made, either by burning or burying them.
Camelia Elias is a scholar and practitioner of magic. She teaches literature at the University of Roskilde and writes about cards. Among her latest publications are a book on the Marseille Tarot, and another on principles of magic with cards (the latter forthcoming in August).
Ancestral Magic
with Andrew McGregor
In working magic we require some kind of activating energy. A spark to jump start the process and set it in motion. For many people the easiest place to start looking for that spark is with the ancestors. In the generations flowing backwards through time we can find spirits that are both willing to help and are also close at hand because of our relationship to them.
In this workshop we’ll talk about how to use the cards to narrow down which ancestors to focus on and divine how they’d like to work with us. We’ll discuss accessible practices to build up our communication with them and explore how to incorporate them in a variety of magical works. We’ll also talk about what kind of boundaries are good to avoid pitfalls that can come from dealing with spirits.
Andrew McGregor is a reader, artist, and magician who works out of his store in Toronto – The Hermit’s Lamp. He has spent the last 30 years exploring magic, psychology, and religion to find tools that help people live empowered and joyous lives.
Creating Magic through a Tarot Reading
with Barbara Moore
A tarot reading offers clarity, insight, and advice. A tarot reading can, itself, be a magical act through which we create our reality. In this class, we will explore the concept of a reading as a mesocosm (and talk about what the heck a mesocosm is and why it is helpful to think of a tarot reading as one), discover how to create sacred space using the Court cards, and investigate a spread to open your life to the powerful energy of the Major Arcana.
At a party someone put a tarot deck in Barbara’s hands. She’s held on tight ever since. Her life has been a crazy-quilt of experiences—beauty school drop-out, theatre geek, history student, editor, academic, Catholic, fundamentalist Christian, Nothing, Everything, pagan, shaman—and tarot helps her make sense of the eclectic soup that has been her life.
Not that she wants to make too much sense of things, at least not anymore. Not so very long ago, structure, logic, and a thirst for Absolute Truth drove her life. Now that age is mellowing her, rounding her sharp edges, she is learning to love dancing with mystery, sitting quietly in silence, and admitting that the conscious mind doesn’t have to understand something for it to be valuable.
Since her wife won’t be her sugar momma, to earn her keep Barbara spends her days consulting for Llewellyn and Lo Scarabeo, creating decks, writing books, presenting at conferences, reading for clients, and teaching.
Connect with her through her website.