You know how to make the Lenormand cards speak – now it is time to make them sing!
This 5 week course brings together some of the best in the Lenormand world to help get your readings to the next level. Rana George, Mary K Greer, Donnaleigh de LaRose, Carrie Paris and Björn Meuris will open up new approaches to getting answers from the cards and spreads.
This class is manually fulfilled and you’ll get your login during business hours Tuesday to Friday 12-5pm.
Cost is $250 Canadian Dollars

Yes/No Lenormand Readings Using the Original Card Meanings
With Mary K Greer

Lenormand and the power of fortunetelling
With Rana George
Rana George is the author of the Best Seller and the highly acclaimed “The Essential Lenormand: Your Guide to Precise & Practical Fortunetelling” A respected presence in the modern divination community, Rana leads regular workshops and study groups. For close to 30 years, Rana has been a psychic, counselor, mentor, teacher, medium, and is always a lifelong student. Lead classes/workshop and presentations at the San Francisco BATS 2013, 2014, 2015, NewYork Readers Studio, and was a main presenter at Dallas TarotCon 2012, 2013 and 2014. She has consulted on the design of several Lenormand decks, and published several articles on cartomancy. Rana just finished working on her new deck The Rana George Lenormand soon to be published and released by U.S.Games.
Rana on: Instagram Facebook and SnapChat
Instagram @ranageorge1
SnapChat ranageorge1
Holographic Readings…seeing the situation in 3D.
With Donnaleigh de LaRose

Lenormand and Tarot each have unique purposes and different perspectives. Can they both read all questions equally? Can they both say the same things for any question? Let’s explore what topics the two systems can share and which they can’t. When tension resides between the two system interpretations, let’s find out how to interpret the very important red flags we should not ignore that warn us about the difference between reality and imagination.
Donnaleigh de LaRose is the host of the award-winning podcast, Tarot Tribe: Beyond Worlds. She features free education on Tarot and Lenormand on the podcast, on her YouTube channel, and on her blog. Visit her at:
Method of distance, authentic Lenormand reading
With Björn Meuris.
Since the early years (mid-19th century) the Petit Lenormand’s game has been accompanied by a small booklet (or instruction sheet). Here you could then read how to tell the future.
This instruction booklet, even though very small, is undoubtedly the basis and starting point of the contemporary knowledge of the Petit Lenormand Methods. The “Instructions of the game” (the title of the book) which came with the cards, were until the first widely circulated books published (1980’s), the only written source and reference about how to use these cards. The original way to read the cards is what we now call “the Method of Distance.” This method is based on the logic that the closer a card falls to the Signifier Card, the more influence it has on the significator and the person getting the reading. .
If you internalized this original method on top of what you have already learned in other courses, you will be able to unravel all the information that is contained in a Grand Tableau! It will really help you to hear the real voice of Petit Lenormand, so you can better see the smaller practical cards in a spread. In short, the “Method of Distance” is the base of the Petit Lenormand’s methods. Moreover, this method is the Petit Lenormand’s and if you are a true lover of the most beautiful fortune telling, you shouldn’t miss this…
Confessions of a Self-Taught Lenormand Lover:
A Down and Out, Breaking All the Rules Approach to Reading the Cards
with Carrie Paris

I was a self taught Lenormand gal and this is due to the fact that I was given my first deck way before there were any books on the topic so I only had my intuition as my reading guide. As it turns out I discovered I was doing things close to what most trained readers do today, however my method involved a few more spreads and more recently, charm casting. Instead of following a schooled method, I got my kicks from combining Lenormand with tarot and other divination tools. This creates controversy, but I stand by the fact that the intuitive style to reading gives accurate results. If an intuitive approach to Lenormand is dubbed “not true to form” yet the end results turn out to be accurate, then perhaps there’s something else to consider— a third option that suggests we take a creative turn and add something new to the experience. In this class we will try our hand at non-Lenormand spreads and activities that work like a charm.
Carrie Paris was in the first class to receive a Masters in the Cultural Study of Cosmology and Divination from the University of Kent, UK, is creator of the Magpie Oracle kits, the Relative Tarot and numerous Lenormand decks. Carrie considers herself a global citizen and can be found presenting her work and art both online and around the world. Find her at