Free peer counselling course

In episode 109 of the podcast Aidan brought up the process of peer counselling.

We definitely discuss it some and I offer some pointers but I thought it would be helpful to offer something longer on the subject: A free, full-length peer counselling course.

I learned this in the 90’s from someone who I have more recently discovered wasn’t who I hoped. I have removed my podcast with them and recommend they be avoided. The techniques talked about in this series are very helpful.

Since learning this skill it has been my monthly practice. Even more frequently during harder times like now. This practice will help you be more present, offer clearer attention, and learn about yourself and how you operate. This is not therapy and does not require a degree or special training. This course is intended to help build your network of support and ability to be supportive in your life. Both now and in the future. 

Peer counselling, as I practice it, is based on the idea that people benefit from attention. That given some time to talk, and maybe some gentle questions or reflections, we can get the answers from within us. 

We’ll talk about the following. 

  • What makes good attention.
  • Creating containers.
  • Confidentiality. 
  • Defining what you need.
  • Uncertainty.
  • Limits.
  • Listening. 
  • Agreements. 
  • Leap frogging. 
  • Clean up. 
  • Questions and reflection. 
  • Bigger issues and safety. 
  • Shifting the stories we live. 
  • Scripts and traps. 

It will help you open up and grow closer with the folks you already love. 

I want to make this course available widely so I am running it for free.

Sign up for the facebook group here. 

I’m also available for readings and support through my scheduler here.


Class 1
Audio only.

Class 2
Audio only.

Class 3
Audio only.

Class 4
Audio only.

Class 5
Audio only.