Craft Your Own Springtide Brooms with Amy Taylor

with Amy Lou Taylor

Vernal Equinox, Springtide, Spring, Eoster, Ostara marks a turning of the season from winter to spring. It is a Pagan festival that marks the beginning of Spring and the fertility of the land, and the abundance bursting forth. Spring cleaning is a ritual deeply rooted in the lore of the Vernal Equinox, a time to purify the home of stagnant energies and prepare it for the vitalizing energy of spring and summer.

Brooms of course have been connected to the home since humans began to clean and clear their abodes. There are deities connected to them across very nearly all cultures. The making of brooms, and besoms, whisks and switches, have been ingrained into our history here on Turtle Island since the moment our ancestors stepped foot on its soil. Brooms are used in many branches of witchcraft and paganism, and in Spring Cleaning magick, they are an essential tool!

Cord, many colours to choose from, for winding and weaving your broom.

In this hands on crafting workshop, over 3 hours, you will learn the art of making a set of 4 kitchen tools (cake tester, pot scrubber, counter whisk and a root veggie scrubber) and a Hawks Tail Hand broom. You will also learn how to consecrate it, and then we will discuss the ways it can be used for house magicks with a focus on the Spring Equinox.

All supplies are included for you to craft your broom:

  • Broomcorn
  • A satin spar bar to add to your hand broom
  • Some charms, (please bring your own charms, talismans and/or crystals to add. If I can make it work for you, we will weave them in.)
  • You will need to bring a notebook and pen to take any additional notes while we discuss the magickal aspects of the class, however notes will be sent via email after the class to all participants.

Space is limited to 10 people, so be sure to register early to avoid any disappointment. Your investment is $100+HST
Sunday March 16th from 1-4 pm 
Click here to register.

Your class fee includes all the supplies needed for the course. Please note that this will be a physical activity using core muscles as well as upper body and arm strength, so dress in comfortable clothing (like leggings, jeans or yoga pants), as well as wear soft soled shoes or be prepared to work barefoot. Amy will have some charms and other items you can use to decorate your brooms if you would like, but if you have something specific, bring it along and we can see if it can be added into your broom.

About Your Instructor

Amy Lou Taylor is a Broomsquire, Tasseomancer, Tea Sommelier Professional, Chinese Tea Brewing Master, a community herbalist and horticulturalist, an author and artist, and an environmentalist. She is the sole owner of TAOTAT’s Mystic Tea & Brooms (est. 2009), a business with a focus on all things tea, including tea leaf reading and brooms. She is also the owner and curator of the Museum of Tasseomancy. Amy is pagan and has been a practicing witch for over 30 years. She has a background in British Traditional Witchcraft and Hedgewitchery. She has been active in the Ontario Pagan community for over 30 years and has organized and presented workshops at many gatherings and private events. Amy is happily married and lives in Hamilton, Ontario Canada with her husband and 3 feline overlords. In her home studio she creates brooms, hand-brooms and whisks, as well as one-of-a-kind arts and crafts from things found in Nature. She continues to study and practices traditional herbalism and horticulture, maintains an environmentally-viable home and is an avid organic gardener both in winter and summer. Visit her website at