An oracle exploring the glory of breakfast and divination. The most important meal in your cartomantic day. The plan is to create 36 delicious cards to answer all lilies challenges.
Printing will be in 4 colours. Black, gold, silver, and white.
This deck will be self published via a kickstarter coming this fall.
Check back often. New cards will be added regularly. Or drop your email here to about launch details as they are available.
The place setting.
All possibilities are open in front of you. What choices will you make? How will they affect your day?What juice is worth the squeeze for you at this time? How do you like your cereal crunchy or softened by milk? How do you transform your life from doughy to toasted perfection? What ingredients make your life the perfect smoothy? How do you like your yolk? Soft, medium or firm? What do you need to get on the right track? What is left over that could be gold for you?
The place settin