Ancestral Community Healing Ceremony

A quarterly public free event.

I was thinking, as most folks are, about what is going on with the corona virus. I’ve been feeling the ups and downs of the whole ride as it spreads and as things shut down. Specifically this got me wondering how folks have dealt with this in the past.

Then a little voice cut through the thinking and said We have done this before. This is not the first plague in history. We are here with you to share our wisdom. To support you. To guide you. To heal you and your communities. Work with us. Lean into our knowing and love.”

It immediately seemed so obvious to me – one of the places we could turn to for support was those people who have gone before. That long line of blood and breath stretching back through time to before we were even human. As I sat with them they explained what they want us to do. A ceremony made of simple stuff – light a candle, contact them through a prayer, repeat a short chant to connect to the energy of this working, send that energy to the world, and then close it up.

If you’d like to join in this ceremony it is totally free and open to anyone at any level or from any background. Your desire to be involved is all that is needed.

This ceremony is specifically focused on helping people get through this pandemic in the best ways possible. 

Ideally this ceremony will be done at 2pm eastern time .t. You can work around this if you must but do your best to align with that time – it will be most potent in that window. It will take about 10 minutes. You will need a glass of water, any white candle, and a copy of the ceremony. Be sure to arrive to ceremony washed and ready. 

Next Ceremony is September 19th at 2pm Eastern.
Zoom details at the bottom of this page.

If you’d like to hear about more of these things and other stuff I am up to you can join my mailing list below. (If you are already on the list you don’t need to do anything)


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Topic: Ancestral Healing Ceremony
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime

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