Tarot Trumps Card By Card with Andrew McGregor and James Wells

Welcome to our new project – an exploration of each of the tarots trump cards.  Each card will get its own show where we will dig deep into the symbols, stories, meanings, and applications of one of the trumps. Exploring each card in depth and from many angles we will help open your eyes up to the beauty and richness in each card. The casual conversational style is accessible to anyone anywhere on their tarot journey.

Over and over people have commented on how accessible, fun and instructive our previous podcasts have been. We promise this new one will be both profound and hilarious, deep and easy to relate to.Each episode will be over an hours long. You’ll get an MP3 file you can listen to online or play on your phone, computer, or other smart device. Each episode will be available a la carte or if you know you already love what we do you can support us by signing up for the whole series now. We guarantee we will be putting out at least one episode a month.If you’d like to hear exactly what these recordings will be like you can get our chat on The Hanged Man here free.

Click here to buy all 21 episodes – Instant access.  $50USD

Single episodes are no longer for sale.

JAMES WELLS, a tree-loving, food-enjoying tarot consultant and circle process practitioner in Toronto, Ontario, is committed to combining soul and strategy through personal sessions and group workshops.  He is the author of Tarot for Manifestation and Tarot Circle Encounters.  Visit him online here.

ANDREW McGREGOR, is a father, foodie, reader, and Santero. Andrew runs his store, The Hermit’s Lamp, in Toronto. Through the cards he helps people understand why they are here, how to enjoy life, and how to build deep and lasting connections with spirit and the people around them.
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